Editorial WALK THE TALK Launching our brand motto "WALK THE TALK" to reinforce that it's the small things in life that define what we're remembered for.
News SAYE Sant Jordi Celebrating an upcycling Sant Jordi with rose-shaped keychains made from M'89 Hi Green leftover fabric
Editorial M'01 Metro: Crafted to Live in Motion The comfiest vegan sneaker to date, following the runner style trend.
Editorial Tied Eras: M'70 Cactus Celebrating the unique styles of two women from different generations, united by a common thread: versatility.
Interview Gòtic ferments SAYE Talks - Episode 04. This meeting brought together Miky, a professional cook, experimenting in fermentation at the time, and Carla, with a great background in the world of communication, both with a great social commitment, very enthusiastic, they decided to start what is today...
News Women Entrepreneurs Roll the Dice and Share Their Business Stories In this video, our co-founder Marta Llaquet plays Parchessi with three amazing women, all while chatting about the peaks and troughs of entrepreneurship.